Data and Testing » The Summer Slide

The Summer Slide

To succeed in school and life, children and young adults need ongoing opportunities to learn and practice essential skills. This is especially true during the summer months.

Many Americans have a wonderful image of summer as a carefree, happy time when "kids can be kids,” and take for granted the prospect of enriching experiences such as summer camps, time with family, and trips to museums, parks, and libraries.

Unfortunately, some youth face anything but idyllic summer months. When the school doors close, many children struggle to access educational opportunities, as well as basic needs such as healthy meals and adequate adult supervision.

Click on any link below to get started stopping the summer slide!

Three Ways to Prevent the Summer Slide

Book Adventure

Scholastic Student Activities

Fun Summer Learning Tips

Children’s Story Books Online

Kids World Fun Free Online Books

Preschool learning games


Switcheroo Zoo
